Futuremakers: Inspiring Women Changing the World with Technology, 2015
Futuremakers: Inspiring Women Changing the World with Technology, 2015
Kantapään kautta: A (bestselling) Book About Courageous Failures, with Miika Peltola, 2012
Kantapään kautta: A (bestselling) Book About Courageous Failures, with Miika Peltola, 2012
Palaudu ja vahvistu, a bestselling book about rest and recovery with Kaisa Jaakkola, 2018
Palaudu ja vahvistu, a bestselling book about rest and recovery with Kaisa Jaakkola, 2018
Published non-fiction in Finnish
Futuremakers, PS-Kustannus 2015 – book
Kantapään kautta with Miika Peltola, Tammi 2012 – ebook
Kaisa Jaakkola: Palaudu ja vahvistu, Tammi 2018 – book / ebook / audiobook
Interviews and media appearances (Finnish)
Regular guest on Paluu Tulevaisuuteen (Back to the Future), podcast series by Heureka Science Center, 2018 (video playlist)
Yle Puhe interview on women and tech, Sept 2015 (podcast)
Helsingin Sanomat interview on women and tech, Aug 2015 (paywall)
Yle Aamu-TV interview on women and tech, Aug 2015 (video)
MTV3 Huomenta Suomi interview on women and tech, June 2015 (video)
Yle Ajantasa interview on learning from failure, Feb 2012 (radio)